Tag: digital retailing

Building a Personal Brand For Automotive Sales Pros Part 2 – The Best Part

Building a Personal – Part 2

This may be the most difficult part for some of you but have no fear. We’re going to walk you through this part, step-by-step. Whether you want to sell more real estate, cars or just about anything else, this next step in building a personal brand is essential. If you didn’t get here from Part 1, we welcome you to start at the beginning.

Time to make a website or blog on WordPress

There’s a number of great website builders out there and you can use whatever platform you choose. You may already have a website. Kudos to you if you do. You may not want to tackle this step and if you don’t you can find tons of people out there who will help for very little money. Just remember this is a DIY program and we just want to help as many people Do-It-Themselves for little to no money. Even if you already have a website, read on. We’re going to talk about why this is such an important step.

When building a personal brand, you need a central location. This nucleus for your brand will be your personal website or blog. This is important because you will own this digital property or URL (Uniform Resource Locator.)

Once you get your website established we’ll begin the crucial step of linking it to all the social media channels. This will improve your sites relevancy with google for organic search and raise your brands overall digital presence. You probably have some social media experience and may already have some favorite platforms you’re familiar with. Focus on the ones you know first. You get the idea, time to get back to building your personal brand website.

You have lots of choices when it comes to building a personal brand website. WordPress is by far the largest platform and for that reason we’re going to walk you through the steps necessary to setup your website or blog on WordPress. You can also use Wix, Blogger or any other free blog building site you like. Ready to start making more money? Lets get started!

building a personal brand using wordpress

You’ll need to setup a WordPress account. Use the email address you created in step 1, create a username and enter a password for your account. On the next page you will chose your websites web address or URL.

diy digital sales website building in wordpress

WordPress offers a completely free URL and this is a good place to start. You can move your blog to a better platform like WordpPress.org and buy a unique domain name once you start getting good at WordPress. If you want to purchase your domain name now, you can but we’re trying to show you the free options first. On the next page WP is going to ask you which plan you want. Look for the link at the top that says “Start with a free site.” You don’t need a plan yet. We just want you to learn how to sell more cars by building a personal brand online. Pro Tip: Domain names are cheap buy yours now if you really want to get serious about building a personal brand.

After clicking the link, WP will start building your website and you’ll see a screen like this.

Click the link that says “Get Started” and follow the prompts to set up your website. Bet you didn’t think building a website was going to be this easy. The set up is pretty easy. Making a website that people will actually visit is the hard part and by far the most important but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Name your site and write a tagline and Save settings. I named mine “Sell More Cars by Building a Personal Brand” and wrote “DIY Digital Sales For The Automotive Professional” as my tagline. I’m going to focus on how to sell more cars as this free blogs niche.

Choose a Theme in WordPress that makes sense

After clicking the link “Chose a Theme” you’ll see a number of free website themes. These are premade templates. Pick one that you like. WordPress is always adding new ones to their site. I chose a theme called Morden and clicked “Activate Theme” Once this is done you’ll see your new website. Well the framework at least. Now it’s time to start adding some content like photos, blog posts, social media links etc.

Important note about content when building a personal brand online

Time for a short break in the action to talk about content before we move on. Good content is king and quality always beats quantity. Take your time when coming up with content and remember, great digital content is evergreen. You create it once and it will keep working for you for years to come. Best of all, it will keep making you money while your doing something else like sitting on a beach. So take your time, do it right and start building a personal brand today. Check out SmartBlogger.com for great blogging tips and tricks.

Let’s take a look at my free WordPress website so far.

At this point we have a website with a title, tagline, four pages and some samples blog posts. As you can see in the top right hand corner of the page, the site has not been launched yet and that’s the way we want it for now. Don’t launch your site until it’s ready for the public. Hit the “My site” button on the top left to return to the editor menu or My Home page in WordPress. In this section you’ll notice that WP is walking you through the steps of setting up your site.

Updating your home page

WP says this step “Updating your Home Page” will take approximately 20 minutes. To get your website online it can be done in less than 20 minutes but once you get comfortable in WP you’ll probably go back later and make it more professional looking. Click the “Edit Your Home Page” button and let’s get this step out of the way and get back to building your personal brand to sell more cars 🙂

I clicked on the background image and selected “Replace.” You can upload a new image from your computer but I selected a free image from Pexel. The image I selected was an aerial view of a car dealership and best of all it was free! I changed the verbiage on the home page to say “Welcome to DIY Digital Sales” and changed the second line to read “Helping Automotive Sales Professionals Sell More Cars by Building a Personal Brand.” Last item on the home page that I changed was the link that reads “Learn More.” Change the navigation from the default link to your blog page. Here’s a screen shot of my progress so far. I’m familiar with WP so this only took a few minutes.

Home Page Updated

Once you have your home page looking the way you like, click on the update link on the top right to save your progress. Now back to your My Home Dashboard and WP will tell you the next step is to verify your email address. If you haven’t do so already, go verify the email that WP sent you. The next step on your dashboard may be to setup a menu. You can skip this step for now, the default menu is perfectly fine for the time being. Before we move on to the next step I want to provide you with a great resource. Smart Blogger is a great place to take a deeper drive in to How To Start a Blog. My tutorial is just a primer, Smart Blogger is a complete guide.

Now your starting to get the hang of WordPress I hope, and well on your way to building a personal brand to sell more cars or anything else for that matter. Take a look at the free WordPress site I built for this tutorial at diydigitalsales.wordpress.com.

Next you’ll need to write some blog posts. If you picked a theme that is more of a website with a static home page and you feel a blog is not necessary, you can skip this step but my advice is to stick with the plan. Blog posts are easy and allow you to add fresh content to your site from anywhere, including your phone or tablet. Click on the link in your dashboard for “posts” and get to writing. I usually delete the existing posts and start from scratch but if this is your first time doing this, edit the existing posts to see how they work. Write at least three new posts and remember to click “update” when done.

Building a personal brand is hard work but it will pay off if you stick with it. Just keep at it and remember that it will take time for your website to get ranked on Google, Bing and all the other search engines out there. I’ll show you a tip to speed up the process but the most important thing is to write good content. Then tell people where they can find it using social media and other digital channels to spread the word. Here’s a peek at my free blog posts.

Last but certainly no least you’ll need to update the pages that came with your theme. Most free WP themes have Home, Blog, Contact and About pages. Make sure you update each of them with your photos, links and information. Pay very special attention to the content in your about page. This is a great place to tell people why they should buy from you. Add testimonials from previous happy customers, links to any specials you have and anything you think a potential client should know about you.

I’m working on a video tutorial of this step to put on my YouTube channel and will add the link here when it’s ready for your viewing pleasure.

Now that you have your site looking the way you want it, press the launch button! WP will now try to sell you some additional services again. If you want to keep this free, just click “no thanks, I’ll continue with a free site.” They change this part sometimes, so just avoid the pay this amount options. If you want to build a powerful blog, one with robust plug-ins and tools, you’ll want to go the wordpress.org route. So don’t pay WordPress.com anything if that’s your intention at this point.

I built this blog on Building a Personal Brand with BlueHost and WordPress.org. If you find your free site is working and you want to take it to the next level you can always migrate your free site. You will not need to start over. It’s a little more advanced but it can be done. As I’ve said before, building a personal brand is not easy but when it starts to drive new business your way for free, you’ll be glad you did it.

About the Author:
I’ve been in the automotive retail industry for 25+ years. During this time I’ve held every position from Salesperson to General Manager. I even spent three years in fixed ops and yes, my time there was on purpose. During my time working in a car dealership, I learned a few things about myself. First, I love helping people (teaching) and second, I love digital marketing (especially SEO.) Writing a blog on building a personal brand allows me to do both.

Building a Personal Brand Part 3 is up next. We’ll start looking at ways to promote yourself online now that we have a website or nucleus.

Thanks for reading part 2 of building a personal brand for automotive sales professionals. I truly hope you found it helpful. If you missed part 1, make sure you start at the beginning.

Building a Personal Brand For Automotive Sales Pros Part 1 – A Great Start

Building a Personal Brand in sales is more important than ever.

Let’s take automotive sales for example. Just ten years ago most customers visited the showroom to research, test-drive and get pricing for their next vehicle purchase. Today most of this is done online and they only visit the dealership to take delivery and even that is changing.

Building a personal brand online
Online Sales

Todays consumers have a wealth of information available to them online. They can shop different models, value their trade, watch test-drive videos and in most cases get accurate pricing as well. When they’re comfortable they have the vehicle they want picked out and the price that fits their budget, a number of dealerships will even deliver the car to their home or office. The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated this entire digital retailing model.

Very few automotive salespeople have created a strong personal brand. Sure, some have done a good job on social media and some stand out on reputation sites like dealerrater.com but very few have built a strong personal brand. Most people don’t know where to start and that’s where we come in.

Car sales professionals are the ultimate entrepreneurs with an advantage.

They are their own small business inside the dealership with a huge head-start over most entrepreneurs. Automotive sales pros have the ability to make unlimited earnings with little to no risk or expense. The dealership pays for advertising, rent, inventory and general overhead. All you have to do is sell. This is where it’s starting to get tricky in todays environment. If we know that most purchasers only visit the dealership 1.4 times in the purchase cycle, you need to reach them before they walk into a dealership.

Whether you’ve been selling cars for years or you just got into the industry, building a personal brand is the future. Dealerships will spend tens of thousands of dollars every month advertising their brand, their inventory, even the service and parts department, but they will not market YOU. Some savvy dealerships are waking up to this idea but for the most part, you will need to market you.

We built this website, a YouTube channel and other social media sites to help you navigate your own personal brand development plan. It’s a lot of hard work and it’ll take some dedication but the payoff can be awesome. Imagine consumers reaching out to you directly from the internet with low funnel purchase intent. In-market shoppers who are ready to buy or lease and they know your name. Not another salesperson on the floor, and definitely not the salesperson across town. No, they want to buy from you. More importantly, your brand.

Building a Personal Brand Step 1:

Lets start building your personal brand by thinking about your market. If you sell cars, or if you’re a real estate agent this step is a little easier. For these two professions your market is mostly local and your product is very clear. Let’s stay with auto sales for this step and start by talking about your brand name. For most this could be a number of variations but try to include your name, what you do and maybe the brand of car. Don’t spend too much time on this. It’s more important that you get started ASAP. Here’s a few examples:

1. Sarah Smith Sells Cars
2. Car Sales by Dave Jones
3. Dina has lease deals
4. Buy Cars Direct (if you’re in an area that has a lot of broker business)
Ok, these are not very creative but you get the point. It’s not rocket science, at least not yet. You may start to question that as we get into some of the more involved steps later though 🙂

Building a Personal Brand Step 2

Building a personal brand can be done on a budget but it’s gonna take some work. Now that you have some name ideas, go to Google and see if the email address is available. Go to google and create a new account with <insert your brand name here>@gmail.com as the email address. This is free and a great place to store creative ideas and content in the google drive.

Follow along and look for part 2 on building a personal brand and more on personal brand development on our website HERE 🙂 Thanks for visiting!

Want to see the free blog I made in part 2? Building a Personal Brand Blog using WordPress for free.